CUL8R Lorem Ipsum! Hello TXT101! TXT101 is a fresh, friendly typeface for mock text and borders. As a retro-cool digital successor to the pencil marks that were hand-drawn as placeholder text in the analog era, TXT101 includes 52 styles, from Arch to Zigzag, with a couple of loops, several slants, and a swell set of waves. If your final copy is TBD, use TXT101 to mock up roman, bold, italic or light. TXT101 looks GR8 and is EZ to set. Corner pieces make TXT101 a complete and charming bordering typeface. All patterns come in four weights, so you can make frames and borders for everything from little labels to big broadsides. Corners (north, south, east, west) are TTLY a snap to select from their own stylistic sets. DIY: Mix & match to create cool patterns! Many styles have aligning baselines, so glyphs will connect. Single- and double-line variations abound, and you can combine weights (light, regular, bold, black) as well as styles. BTW, feel free to insert word spaces or leave them out.